Chambers of Commerce

Seamless management for Chambers of Commerce

Bringing together your CRM, CMS, member management, awards management, and international trade certification processes into one unified member experience platform.


With automated processes and dashboard reporting features, our unified platform will save your teams’ time, while also ensuring a single source of truth for data; providing you with more insights on your organisational members and creating personalised experiences for them from the moment of login.




ReadyMembership combines your:

Integration with SGS eCert

With our eCert integration you can manage the service and billing of international trade documentation directly from ReadyMembership, reducing manual and time-consuming effort for chamber staff and improving accuracy and efficiency.

Using the eCert connector:

  • Approved trade document requests are pulled from eCert into ReadyMembership
  • The record can be managed with associated fees and statuses.
  • Invoicing can be raised for an individual document or grouped into a consolidated single monthly invoices per organisations at the click of a button
  • ReadyMembership can then share the invoice with customers, receive online payment, and issue payment reminders for any overdue invoices automatically.


Book a call with one of our experienced membership consultants to discuss your specific ReadyMembership needs.

Book a demo

Want to read more?
Discover the future of membership personalisation 

Discover the trends and technology that will shape the future of membership personalisation in this guide. What is the future of membership personalisation? Here’s a clue - it’s not AI.

Well, it’s not just AI.  Good data and strategy are needed in order for you to be able to create the emotional connections and trust that will keep members engaged and help you grow. AI tools can’t do this without them. Fill in the form below to download the guide:

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