Putting CRM under the microscope

The Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) has been at the forefront of developing and promoting microscopy and imaging since 1839. Dedicated to its cause, RMS offers its members opportunities to network and to play an active part in the vibrant world of science.

The challenge

The RMS were happy with their website but did not have a CRM system capable of handling their processes. This resulted in RMS having to manually update spreadsheets to manage their data.

Previously they couldn’t track user interactions, which of their members were attending events and what features their users were reading. It was also of concern that they were not optimising conversion as they had a manual joining form.

Put simply, the RMS needed a fully functioning and streamlined CRM system that would move all their processes and data online and into one place. Enter ReadyMembership.

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The project

The RMS’s new platform brings together website, CRM, event management and email into one easy to use interface. Integrations with key third-party software are extending it’s potential even further:

New member boost

The RMS were previously using a manual form to handle their incoming membership applications. This led to delays in sign ups and time being used to manually complete memberships because the RMS had to process a physical paper application.

Through the ReadyMembership platform, the RMS can now quickly deal with incoming enquiries and new users can easily sign up, pay online and edit their details.

Event bookings made easy

The RMS now know which members are attending their events. For the member, a complex transaction process has now been made quick and easy. What’s more, members can now self-serve meaning they can view their bookings and update their information.

This has sped up the process as all the data is integrated and the RMS do not need to manually process the data.

An excellent membership experience

ReadyMembership has provided an easy to use and fully integrated CRM system. The RMS’s new website can now deliver personalised, high-quality and engaging content to individual members. With trackable data, the RMS has a fully comprehensive membership platform.

Design For Life

We saved the RMS time and money by using the bespoke style guide we had already written for them and by transferring design elements from their previously developed website. This ensured consistency of their brand and no disruption to the quality in service for their end users.

The result

ReadyMembership has given RMS the CRM wings they were looking for. The RMS’s digital transformation has given them a content rich mobile ready website that is now a key tool for the Society. Through the website’s clean, clear and concise functionality, the RMS can nurture its current members by utilising their interactions and in turn, boosting membership satisfaction. In addition, the RMS now has the ability to cross sell to its audience while providing an exemplary service to its members.

Book a call with one of our experienced membership consultants to discuss your specific ReadyMembership needs.

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